
Sales Curiosity Club

Become a better B2B sales professional every week. Join 800+ Elite Sales Athletes as we deep dive into sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals.

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092: How to build meaningful relationships

Whether you are in sales or not, I think you will agree that one of the key factors of most successful people is their network—and not just their network but also the quality of the relationships. Genuine business relationships are the kind that will lead to long-term friendships, professional growth, and sales for your company. Except for my first job, I was hired through my network. One time, a role was even created for me. When entering a new account, a single referral from my network can...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. One of my students in my Elite Sales Cohort wanted to pivot his career. He is a sales manager in a large sports retail company and asked me for advice on moving into B2B or enterprise sales. I explained the different enterprise sales roles, and we mapped out the essential skills and responsibilities. I thought I would share the four types of...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. Last week, I facilitated a workshop for 35 SMEs (small and medium enterprises) on AI-Powered B2B sales hosted by New Zealand's MBIE (Ministry of Business, Innovation and employment). It was one of the most fun workshops I have run, and we were all mind-blown and dazed. I am not exagerating. We applied the following use cases: Prospecting & Research...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. I am writing this newsletter on my way to France. While I am still working with clients, I look forward to spending time with family, friends and enjoying the French summer.😎 Also excited to share that I'm currently working on a self-paced course version of Elite Sales Athletes: Win High Value Enterprise Deals. I'll share more details next week! This...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. When it comes to selling, the C-suite can be your toughest critic. A staggering 90% of salespeople struggle to significantly impact CxO's, and the statistics support this claim. According to recent data, only 10% of C-suite executives rate sales calls as valuable enough to warrant a follow-up discussion. Those are daunting odds! But here's the silver...

Using Gamma.App for presentation

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. I hope you are well! I caught a bug last Thursday night while networking at the Fractional meet-up and had to stay in bed all day yesterday due to a sore throat, so this edition is late. Over the past few months, my team and I have been exploring the use of AI in our sales process and its numerous applications in sales. I’ll be honest, AI has both...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. One of the things I enjoy most is working with my clients to develop new businesses. It’s thrilling and exciting! It’s also one of the most complex parts of the sales process. The more I work with my clients who want to break into major accounts—meaning big logos and 6-7 figure deals—the more I realise that you work through it through the lens of your...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals Here is the thing about meeting your prospects for the first time. They don’t know us. To our prospects, we are strangers. They are thinking: Why are you here in front of me? Why do you do what you do? Are you an authority? Can I respect you? Can I trust you? The first step is to make a connection with your potential buyer. Connection is fundamental—if...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. One of the most challenging things in sales is initiating and developing new business. When I started my professional sales career after university, no LinkedIn or B2B social platforms existed. The key to success is building a strong referral network in your industry and establishing yourself as an expert—someone that people reach out to. It's a...

👋🏼Hello friend, Ren here! Welcome to my newsletter, where I share sales mindsets, strategies, tools and processes for winning High-Value Deals. I hope you’ve been well! I apologize for my brief hiatus over the past two weeks. Rather than sending you something half-baked, I’ve been focused on crafting high-quality newsletters that truly make a difference. My mission is to inspire you to take action and elevate your sales career or business. If I can spark even a tiny bit of impact, it would be...